Selin Oruz

Selin Oruz

Geburtsdatum: 05.02.1997
Karrierestart: mit 4 Jahren

Frühstücksroutine: "mein Siebträger Kaffee mit Hafermilch"
Lieblings-Bowl: Açaí Bowl
Lieblings-Topping: selbstgemachtes Granola

Wer bist Du und was machst Du?

Ich bin die Selin - ich spiele Feldhockey und studiere Medizin. 

Wie sieht ein typischer Tagesablauf von Dir aus?

Morgens steht als erstes Training an, davor reicht es zeitlich meist nur für einen Kaffee. Danach wird ausgiebig gefrühstückt. Dann erledige ich alles was für die Uni anfällt und lerne meistens viel. Mittags koche ich mir gerne etwas leichtes zu essen und abends geht es wieder zum Training - bis oft 22:00 Uhr. 

Selin Oruz Field Hockey

What has been the most beautiful moment in your career so far?

The bronze medal in Rio is still the greatest international success and will forever remain in incredible memory. This summer, however, the German championship title on the field with my Düsseldorf ladies was also a historic success. 

What is important to you in your diet?

First and foremost, it has to taste good. Especially with all the healthy trends, taste is extremely important to me, which should not fall by the wayside. Basically, I have been eating wheat-free for over 6 years and hardly ever eat meat. I take extremes with a pinch of salt, but it's important to me to always buy fresh and, at best, regionally.

Selin Oruz Feldhockey

What do you usually do in your free time?

There is not much free time because of my time-consuming combination of sports and studies. But the remaining time I like to spend with my friends and family - that's the most valuable pastime for me.


How has Corona influenced your everyday life as a competitive athlete?

My everyday life was dominated by individual training, especially in the early days. As a team athlete, you're not used to that and, as I found out for myself, I'm not made for it either.


"You can recognise me from a distance by...?"

"I'd have to ask others, but maybe by my joy of storytelling and good humour (most of the time anyway haha)."

"If I wasn't an athlete, I would be...?"

"Probably "just" a student with more time for a student life and a love of travelling."