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Nut Butters

Buy Wholey Nut Butter

So creamy, so sweet and so delicious: packed with natural and vegan organic ingredients, our nut butters are a delicious upgrade for your breakfast - on your bowls, as a spread or straight from the spoon. Buying Wholey nut butters also means plenty of fiber for your breakfast, giving you power to start your day with a permanent grin and feelings of happiness included. Of course, there's no granulated sugar, no artificial additives, and no pangs of conscience. Taste the Wholey love!

Why Should I Order my Wholey Nut Butter Online?

Our nut butters are available exclusively in the online store. These are the advantages:

  • high nut content
  • up to 15 g fiber per 100 g
  • without palm oil, refined sugar, milk powder or preservatives

Simply buy nut butters, have them delivered and enjoy with a clear conscience.

Nut butter varietys

Especially popular are mushes from:

  • almonds
  • cashews
  • hazelnuts
  • peanuts
  • macadamias
  • sesame seeds (tahini)

In our nut butter you will find hazelnuts, cashews, almonds and coconut. Seasoned with tapioca fiber syrup, coconut blossom sugar or dates and MCT oil, the result is a wonderfully creamy mass. Depending on the variety, you can also look forward to crunchy nut particles. The Wholey nut butter varieties at a glance:

  • Wholey Sh*t made from roasted hazelnuts and cocoa powder
  • Almond Candy made with roasted almonds and a touch of bourbon vanilla
  • Pink Cashew made with cashews and freeze-dried strawberries
  • Coconut Crush made with cashews, coconut and almonds

Nut puree or nut butter: What's the difference?

Nut cream, nut puree, nut butter, or is it nut spread? While we're at it: What is nut oil, anyway? First things first.

Nut puree is often 100% ground nuts. If you want to buy a pure nut puree, you should still not blindly rely on the label. Only a look at the list of ingredients will tell you what's really in a product.

Nut cream and nut butter contain other ingredients, depending on the recipe. Here, too, you should carefully check the list of ingredients. In many creams, low-quality ingredients are added: refined sugar, milk powder, preservatives, colorants or additional oils - usually palm oil. If you order your Wholey nut butter online, you can be sure that none of these nasties have gone into the jar.

Nut spread is another term for nut cream or nut butter. In practice, however, all terms are often used as synonyms.

For nut oil, the oil is pressed from the nuts and bottled. Walnut oil, argan oil or peanut oil are applicable both in the kitchen and in cosmetics.

How Can Nut Butters be so Sweet Without Refined Sugar?

We don't like refined sugar in the bowl. We rely on caramelized coconut blossom syrup, tapioca fiber syrup and ground dates. This natural sweetness makes the creamy taste experience so incredibly good.

Shelf life and storage

Stir the cream well before use. This allows the nut puree and the oil that settles on the surface to recombine into a creamy mass. Make sure to always use only a clean spoon.