Lenni Jensen

Lenni Jensen

date of birth: 18.05.2001
career start: Got into water sports at the age of 8

Who are you and what are you doing?

My name is Lenni Jensen and I am a cadre athlete in the German national surf team.

How does your typical day look like?

I get up in the and do my morning yoga, have some breakfast and go surfing. After that, I usually do some video analysis, go eat, and then do an hour of strength training. In the evening I do a little social media and eat again.

Lenni Jensen beim Surfen© Matze Ried

What has been the best moment in your career so far?

The best moment of my career so far was the third place in a 1500QS at my home in Tenerife.

What is important to you in your diet?

It is very important to me that my diet is varied, gives me energy and, of course, that the food tastes good.

What do you usually do in your free time?

In my free time I do a lot with friends and also go to play soccer or basketball from time to time.

How has Corona affected your everyday life as a competitive athlete?

Actually, not much has changed for me except for the lockdown phase which threw me out of my rhythm.

"I can be recognized from afar by...?"

By my spontaneous reactions and my joyful charisma.

"If I wasn't an athlete, I would be...?"

Sports manager or coach.

© Titelbild: Matze Ried